02 September, 2010

The Equality Among Inequalities

Oh great! The last time I posted, I had a flu. Now, I think I'm developing one again. ftw!

Last Sunday, I was walking down beside a busy road along our busy city. While walking, of course I saw different people. Different people of different personality. Some auras are weak while some are lucky. And I began to ask myself.

Some people are eating at famous fastfood chains, others in some eatery, others in a 24-hour store, others just buy some biscuits and soda from a store, while others don't eat at all. Some people walk with me, some drives their vehicles or at least ride some, some kicks the pedals of their bicycles, and others just wait in a corner with their wheelchairs on. As I continue walking, I keep asking myself.
I saw street vendors and met establishment owners. I saw someone who looks so rich while beside him is someone who almost doesn't have some clothes on because of his next-to-nothing worn-out shirt. There was a kid who eats a burger, while the other kid was just busy running in the streets with his mucous spilled in his face but doesn't care about it. Seeing these things, I asked myself again.
There was a group of guys and gals, wearing colourful shirts and caps making them easily recognized as the so called "Jejemons", and on the other side of the street are wise-looking group of friends wearing their school uniform. There was this lonely lady while I saw that blissful gentlemen. Wondering while wandering, I still ask myself of the question I still can't answer.

And the question? Is of course a statement that ends in question mark.

"Why are people have different lives? Why does destiny gave some people too much luck while others don't even know what is the meaning of bucks? Why does others can not even take a bath because they don't have even a house but others swim in a sea of money?"

I want to sit down at the side of the road at that moment. I want to look what happens to people's lives everyday, every minute. And see how does differences or inequality (as they call it) works.

Who's to blame for this?

I walked a little further, trying to create an answer to my question with what I can see. But a more difficult question attacks my mind.

"Who am I?"

I can say with what I saw, people really is unique against one another. But what makes someone unique from everyone? Is it how he feels? How he looks at life? What he has? How he thinks? How he breath? What?

Do I even have the right to think and say these things?

With the differences of the people in just a certain place, I can only say that this world really is complicated. Too complicated that no mind can be too confident to know everything, even at a certain place at a certain time.

"And I don't wanna hear no more."
--Guns N' Roses (Civil War)


04 August, 2010

Fire Level

Oh yes, you got it right. I'm hot. Too hot! Unfortunately, literally.

I've been too busy to post a new entry for the last month. Even if I wanted to do an entry as often as possible, my time just keeps on asphyxiating me  and let me do nothing except for academic stuffs. What a waste of time. Yeah I know, subjects is one of the most influential teachers on everyone's life. But I just want to point out that everybody needs to break a little from their "wakeup-takeabath-eat-gotowork-work-eat-work-gohome-doworkathome-eat-continuetowork-pray-sleep" system. (No insult intended. Others are missing 1 thing from the system, just figure it out by yourself.)

I just recreated my acoustic guitar (which I often referred to as "Pula" due to its color red, and also, the guitar that thought me how to do alternative rock licks). I mixed up my mettalic blue, black, and silver paints to do it. Although I still don't have the time to finish it, I already imagined how it looks like when it is done. And surprisingly, it sucks. Not just because I did it, but it has really a "dark aura". Well we'll never know until it's done. Maybe its a way for me to listen to other genres.

This Sunday is my 1st college entrance exam. I'm kinda excited, and somehow feel pressured. Not because of it, but because of our teacher's requirements. Everybody knows I hate doing projects, especially ones needing creativity. I don't have even a shadow of that word, and it makes me sick.

Does anyone wants to trade your lungs to mine? Or is there such thing as lung transplant? Please if there is, tell it to me. Just badly needing it. Thanks

And by the way, I'll just share this to you. At the moment, I really feel like playing a guitar. Writing lyrics also. I want to do these stuffs. But I guess I can't due to my f*****g  health condition. How I wish that this plague that ate me didn't like my flesh and just die. But it didn't.

Advertisement: Who wants to have a band? Or need a band member? I'm available and I also need one. I can play guitar (hard rock, not metal), bass, and a little drum. Just comment or contact me if interested.

Well thanks for reading this piece of nonsense. 'Till my next post.

"We found that part of us we lost along the way."
-- Sponge Cola (Keep the Fire Burning)
